Safety Standards Certificate
A safety standards certificate shows that your vehicle meets the minimum safety standards. You can't put a licence plate on a vehicle without one.
A safety standards certificate confirms that your vehicle met the minimum safety standards on the date the certificate was issued. It is not a warranty or guarantee of the vehicle’s condition.
You can buy and register a vehicle without a safety standards certificate, but cannot put plates on a vehicle without one.
To get a certificate, your vehicle must first pass an inspection at an inspection station, licensed by the Ministry of Transportation (MTO).
Where to get a certificate
Any inspection station in Ontario, licensed by MTO, can give you a certificate once your vehicle passes an inspection.
Most licensed inspection stations have a sign that says Motor Vehicle Inspection Station.
When you need a certificate
You need a safety standard inspection and certificate if you are:
Transferring a used vehicle to a new owner (unless the new owner is your spouse)
Registering a vehicle in Ontario that was bought in or came from another province, territory or country
Changing the status of a vehicle from unfit to fit
If you are using the car for the RideSharing Services (Uber, Lift, SkipTheDishes, ... etc)
Who is exempt
You do not need a safety standards inspection and certificate if you are:
Registering a used motorized snow vehicle, off-road vehicle, motor-assisted bicycle (e.g. moped), or trailer
Transferring the vehicle to your spouse
Inspection criteria
When you take your vehicle to a licensed Motor Vehicle Inspection Station, they must use government-regulated inspection criteria to determine if your vehicle meets the minimum standards to pass inspection.